Online Course
Licensing Act Update
Can be booked as a bespoke session with David Lucas
£130 | £170
Microsoft Teams
This webinar looks at the Licensing Act 2003 which has now been in force for 15 years.
The webinar covers the licensing committees, and considers how the Act works in relation to the licensable activities, the authorisations and the control powers. It also considers the addition of off sales for the period of the pandemic and brings everything up-to-date.
Ideal for officers and members, both for those with experience and new to this area, this webinar provides an interactive and enjoyable training experience.
Topics 1
The Licensing Committees
Licensing Act Decision-Making
Licensable Activities
Licensing Objectives
Topics 2
Discharge of Functions
Mandatory Conditions
Statement of Policy and Cumulative Impact
Topics 3
Temporary Event Notices
Personal Licensees and DPS
Offences Penalties and Enforcement
Closure Powers
Topics 4
Variations Transfers Etc
Summary Reviews