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Food Truck Payment

Online Course

Licensing Fees

Can be booked as a bespoke Session with James


£130 | £170

Microsoft Teams

Licensing fees can be set by the local authority but the law governing licence fees is complex. This course examines it and provides mechanisms for assessing and setting fees. It explains what can and cannot be recovered, and how those fees can then be used.


Ideal for officers and members, this webinar provides an interactive and enjoyable training experience.


Topics 1

Licensing Functions

Council Governance

Council or Executive?

Fees Generally


Topics 2

Surpluses and Deficits

Unlawful Fees

Pre-Application Advice

EU Services Directive and Brexit


Topics 3

Setting Fees for Licences

Taxi Licence Fees

Licensing Act Fees


Topics 4

Fee Setting Case Study


Q & A

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