Online Course
Schemes of Delegation, Joint Working & Shared Services
Can be booked as a bespoke session with James
£130 | £170
Microsoft Teams
This course examines how local authorities function, both internally and in relation to other authorities and organisations. Local authorities are increasingly collaborating on the provision of services and capitalising on the relaxation of constraints on their activities.
The day covers the basics of delegation and decision-making. It then moves on to look at different methods of joint working and delivery of services, outsourcing and the formalities required. Cross-border enforcement is also considered.
Ideal for officers and members, this webinar provides an interactive and enjoyable training experience.
Topics 1
Licensing Functions
Discharging Council Functions
Delegation of Decision-Making
Topics 2
Joint Boards
Combined Authorities
Shared Services
Topics 3
In Sourcing
Mutual Aid/Partnership Working
Topics 4
Cross-Border Enforcement
Q & A