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Scrap Metal Dealers Act Update

A one day course on 23rd March

Junk Yard

Online Course

Scrap Metal Dealers Act Update

Can be booked as a bespoke session with James


£130 | £170

Microsoft Teams

This course looks at the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013. As a piece of legislation that was ill considered, badly executed and badly implemented, it has thrown up a whole raft of issues which are considered in detail in this course.


The course will examine what the Act aims to do and how well it achieves that. Where does responsibility within the local authority lie? What is a scrap metal dealer and how are they licensed? What consideration should be taken into account when licensing them? How long do the licences last and what enforcement powers are available? What fees are payable? What has been the impact of the review of the legislation in 2017?


Ideal for officers and members, either with experience or new to this area, this webinar provides an interactive and enjoyable training experience.


Topics 1

  • Background to the Act

  • Council or Executive?

  • The Basics


Topics 2

  • Licences

  • Fees

  • How Licences are Granted

  • Determining Applications


Topics 3

  • Suitable Person?

  • Post Grant Matters

  • Running the Business


Topics 4

  • Renewal

  • Enforcement

  • Action against Unlicensed Sites

  • Government Review

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